If you are looking to upgrade the factory amplifier in your 2008 to 2016 Honda Accord this amplifier is a great upgrade that doesn’t require permanent modifications. This amplifier is fully plug and play, there is no wiring necessary to install it. This amplifier can replace your Hondas’s failing factory amplifier and doesn’t require you to install new speakers. Your Honda Accord must have a factory amplifier for this amplifier to work. If you have the factory rear subwoofer then this amplifier will work for your car. You can also use this amplifier to power aftermarket speakers. This amplifier provides 80 watts of output per channel @ 2 ohms and 40 watts of power @ 4 ohms. The subwoofer portion of this amplifier can provide up to 200 watts of power to a 2ohm subwoofer or 100 watts of power to a 4ohm subwoofer.
This is a class D amplifier that produces 80 watts of power for each door speaker 200watts of power for the subwoofer at 2ohms. At 4ohms this amplifier produces 40 watts to each door speakers and 100 watts to the subwoofer. Your factory amplifier has a rough output of 20 watts per door speaker and 40 watts for the subwoofer. This amplifier theoretically will produce either double or quadruple the power of the factory amplifier resulting in a system @2 ohms that will sound almost twice as loud as the factory amplifier.
When installing the amplifier we also recommend replacing the factory subwoofer at the same time. The factory subwoofer works with the PNP amp but it will require that your turn the amplifier output down significantly leaving a ton of power on the table. If you are planning to also upgrade the speakers we recommend using 2 ohm speakers from companies like JBL, Infinity, Powerbass, Focal or Audison. Two ohm speakers will allow you to get the most power/volume from the new upgraded amplifier. You can view our speakers here. Also if you are upgrading the subwoofer you want to look for an 8 inch free air capable subwoofer or use the subwoofer output of the amplifier to power an enclosed subwoofer that you can store in the trunk. You can view our subwoofers here.
This package is not meant for bass heads who want to shake the neighborhood when they drive by, it is for someone who wants a balanced audio system with great bass response. This upgrade will make your car noticeably louder and you will feel the bass. Installation is easy and the system comes preconfigured depending on your selections.